In this last pod of the year we answer some reader questions, give a preview of some 2020 403bwise initiatives and Dan reads a poem called: How the TPA Grinch Stole the 403(b).
00:34 Jibberish including discussion of Star Wars and German soldiers on crystal meth
04:35 403bwise Facebook Group killing it
07:09 Dan gets and misses a Facebook Inquiry from a TV Reporter
08:15 Dan Flynn has a word generator
09:46 Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA (pre-tax vs. Roth)
18:11 Special Medicare Tax
20:44 403(b) and 457(b) 2020 contribution limits
26:20 403bwise 2020 initiatives
30:34 How the TPA Grinch Stole the 403(b)
Hidden Payments and Costly Plans Dent Teachers’ Retirement Savings
Texas Teachers Told to Take Closer Look at 403(b) Retirement Plans as New Law Takes Effect
In what we are jokingly calling an emergency pod, we discuss the just released article Teachers Pay High Fees for Retirement Funds. Unions Are Partly to Blame. by Anne Tergensen and Gretchen Morgenson of The Wall Street Journal. This is the union-focused 403(b) article we have been long hoping for.
Part two of our interview with Dr. Carolyn McClanahan, a medical doctor who became a certified financial planner. We touched on a cross section of healthcare and planning topics:
Time to Expand Community Health